Calf Implant

Enhance Lower Leg Contours with Calf Implant Surgery by Dr. Babak Hatami in Dubai

Calf implant surgery, also known as calf augmentation, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the calves, creating a more proportionate and sculpted lower leg contour. Dr. Babak Hatami, a distinguished plastic surgeon in Dubai, specializes in calf implant surgeries, offering personalized treatments to help patients achieve their desired leg aesthetics and boost their confidence.

Why Choose Calf Implant Surgery with Dr. Babak Hatami?

1.    Expertise and Precision: Dr. Babak Hatami is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience and expertise in calf implant surgery. His meticulous surgical technique and keen attention to detail ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.

2.    Customized Treatment Plans: Dr. Hatami understands that each patient's lower leg anatomy and aesthetic goals are unique. During the consultation, he evaluates your calf shape and size, discusses your desired outcome, and develops a customized treatment plan tailored to achieve your specific goals.

3.    Advanced Implant Options: Dr. Hatami utilizes advanced implant options, including silicone or solid silicone implants, to enhance calf volume and contour. These implants are available in various sizes and shapes to accommodate different patient preferences and achieve natural-looking results.

4.    Comprehensive Care: From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-up, Dr. Hatami and his dedicated team provide comprehensive care and support throughout every step of the calf implant surgery journey. Their goal is to ensure your comfort, safety, and satisfaction before, during, and after surgery.

The Calf Implant Procedure: What to Expect

  • Consultation: Your calf implant surgery journey begins with a thorough consultation with Dr. Babak Hatami. During this appointment, he will evaluate your lower leg anatomy, discuss your concerns and goals, and explain the calf implant procedure in detail. Dr. Hatami will also address any questions or concerns you may have and ensure you are fully informed and comfortable with your decision to undergo surgery.
  • Surgery: Calf implant surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia in a fully accredited surgical facility. Dr. Hatami will make carefully planned incisions in the natural creases behind the knees or along the lower edge of the calf muscles. The implants are then inserted into pockets created above the calf muscles to achieve the desired volume and contour.
  • Recovery: After surgery, patients may experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the lower legs, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication and proper post-operative care. Dr. Hatami will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your incisions, when to resume normal activities, and what to expect during the recovery process. While full recovery may take several weeks, most patients experience significant improvement in calf contour and self-confidence soon after surgery.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are considering calf implant surgery in Dubai, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Babak Hatami. Experience the compassionate care, expertise, and exceptional results that have made him a trusted choice for calf implant surgery. Contact us today to begin your journey toward enhanced lower leg contours and renewed confidence with Dr. Babak Hatami.


Procedure performed by

Dr. Babak Hatami

Specialist Plastic Surgery

Specialist surgeon in the field of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. He is a member of The Romanian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, The Romanian Society of Hand Surgery, and of The European Society of Aesthetic Surgery. Our clinic benefits by his vast experience in the field of reconstructive surgery. His clinical experience in plastic and cosmetic surgery started on 1992.

Learn more about Dr. Babak Hatami